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(143/185) 327 - VersionControlsService ActionContext: vcs.actions.xml

We need some way to specify versioncontrolservice context actionsets.
I want the same shortcut to do a "svn commit" when I am using svn and a "git commit" when i am using git.
Same goes for blame.
But for SVN, I want to have "update" bound to the same shortcut as git's "pull --rebase".
And for "checkout", the two commands are really different between and git, so it might not make sense to associate them to each other.

So I guess we need a flexible way of defining 'abstract' common actionsets in the base VersionControlService, and then overriding the list in the derived classes.

Submitted ezust - 2013-08-14 05:47:19 Assigned
Priority 5 Labels Project Viewer
Status open Group None
Resolution None


2013-08-14 21:54:48

- **summary**: VersionControlsService ActionSets --> VersionControlsService ActionContext

2013-08-14 21:57:22

- **summary**: VersionControlsService ActionContext --> VersionControlsService ActionContext: vcs.actions.xml

2013-08-14 21:57:22

They can be defined in a "vcs.actions.xml" file, in a similar way to how the browser.actions.xml is defined.